LESSON PLAN: Mexican Hat Dance
ELA: 7.EC.3, 4, 13- Dance Class: Preschool 4 years Date: Time: 1 hr | ||||
| INDICATORS Students are able to follow a sequence of movements in dance and work co-operatively in partners. ASSESSMENT Students can work cooperatively in groups. Students can follow instructions set out. Students have basic knowledge of body parts. Students can be a successful audience. Students can use self-assessment techniques. Students understand about different cultural concepts. | |||
TIMING 5min 10mins 20mins 10mins 10mins | ORIENTATION/INTRODUCTION; Discussion: learning a dance Outline behavioural expectations. Warm up- Deconstruct movements in the dance BODY Teach components of the dance, add sequence with music. CONCLUSION Warm down- breathing exercises and stretching Students critically reflect on how well they learnt. Discussion- The dances symbolic meaning, where it is from and the cultural and social aspects of the dance | TEACHING/ LEARNING STRATEGIES Outline to students behavioural expectations during lesson Clear explanation of the activity (learning a new dance) | RESOURCES
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